Términos y Condiciones de los Profesores

  1. Introduction

    Langu (the site) is an online language learning platform allowing language teachers (you/a teacher) to provide lessons to anyone who wants to learn from you via the site (your Langu students). The site is owned and operated by E-Polyglot Ltd, an English company with registered no. 08883623 (we / our / us). By registering to be a teacher via the site, you agree to these terms of service and our privacy policy (collectively, our teacher terms).

  2. Our status

    We provide digital services which includes matching you with potential students, providing access to virtual classroom software, arranging payment and providing limited customer support and dispute resolution (our services) via the site. We merely facilitate the creation of a relationship directly between you and your Langu students for you to provide your language teaching services (your services). We are not party to any contract relating to the provision of your services to your Langu students and the entire agreement between you and us is contained in our teacher terms.

  3. Registration

    Teachers must be registered to use the site. If we accept your application to become a teacher, you will be asked to supply further information which will be used to create your profile. When supplying this information, you agree that:

    1. You will use your real name at all times
    2. All other information you provide under your profile will be truthful
    3. You have suitable permissions in place for any content you add to your profile
    4. You are suitably qualified to provide your services to your Langu students
    5. You will keep your profile up to date
    6. You will not provide any details identifying you outside of the site to your Langu students (including your email address, telephone number or links to any third party websites)
    7. You are responsible for your own account security and you will not share your account details with any other person.
  4. Licence to use the site to provide your services

    Subject to us accepting your application to become a teacher and your ongoing compliance with our teacher terms, we grant you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable licence to use the site to provide your services to your Langu students. Access to the Langu platform as a teacher may be revoked at any time, without notice, and Langu is not obligated to justify its reasoning. In such a case, all best efforts will be made to transfer any unpaid earnings to the teacher. 

  5. Your acknowledgments

    You acknowledge that:

    1. in order to use the site, you must have connection speed of at least 1 megabyte per second, a laptop or desktop computer with a webcam and an up to date version of Chrome, Firefox or Opera and a headset with a microphone
    2. you are providing your services directly to your Langu students and you are fully responsible for compliance with any legislation and regulatory controls, including tax rules and liabilities that may apply to you in your jurisdiction
    3. you may be entering into business to consumer relationships with your Langu students and you must comply with all applicable consumer laws and regulations when providing your services to them
    4. you are fully responsible for ensuring the quality and performance of your services
    5. we may modify your profile for spelling, grammar and clarity, or in such way as we believe it will attract greater student interest
    6. your Langu students may rank and review your services and your average ranking and each of your reviews will be publicly visible on the site, and
    7. conversations that take place via the site’s messaging system between you and your Langu students are not private and may be accessed by Langu administration at any time. Messages may be monitored in order to ensure high quality student experience, or investigate a complaint or dispute in accordance with paragraph 9, below.
  6. Your obligations and warranties

    You agree that:

    1. you will use your best endeavours to ensure that your services are of high quality, that you stick to your agreed lesson times and that you keep your availability calendar up to date
    2. you will act in a professional manner with your Langu students at all times
    3. you will only use the site for the purpose of providing your services
    4. you will only provide your services to your Langu students via the site and all correspondence between you and your Langu students will take place via the site
    5. you will not attempt to contact your Langu students in any way outside of the site, and
    6. you will not use the site to promote the sale of your services outside of the site.
  7. Lessons, fees and payments

    1. When your Langu student makes a booking for your services, this is a lesson. A lesson can comprise of any number of hours (subject to any minimum number of hours required to book a lesson that you specify on your profile).
    2. The lesson fee is the fee the student agrees to pay you for the lesson. Your Langu student will select their preferred currency to make payment of the lesson fee, and once full payment has been made, the lesson fee will be stored in the student’s preferred currency in our lesson escrow e-wallet. We operate separate lesson escrow e-wallets for each currency we support. Supported currencies are listed on the site and may change from time to time, although we plan to always support USD, GBP, EUR, PLN, CAD and AUD
    3. Our fee is 15% of the lesson fee (or such other percentage as we may agree separately with you in writing from time to time). You agree to pay our fee in consideration for us providing you with our services.
    4. During the registration process, we will set up an e-wallet for you through which you will receive payments in your preferred supported currency (your e-wallet).
    5. Your Langu student can make changes to lesson times up to 24 hours before the originally booked lesson start time. If your Langu student wishes to reschedule the lesson within 24 hours of the originally booked lesson start time, it is at your discretion whether you will allow this. If you decide not to allow this, or if your Langu student is a no-show at your originally booked lesson start time, your Langu student will forfeit the lesson fee and payment will be made to you in accordance with paragraph 7g, below.
    6. Once you have completed the lesson, your Langu student will be asked to rank your services on a scale from 1 to 5 stars.
    7. If your Langu student ranks you 3 or higher, or does not rank your services within 24 hours of completion of the lesson, we will transfer the earnings (minus fees) from this lesson your e-wallet.
    8. If you are a no-show at the agreed lesson start time, or if your Langu student ranks you 2 or lower after completion of a lesson, the provisions of paragraph 9 (Student protection) shall apply and you acknowledge that payment of your lesson fee may be delayed, reduced or denied.
    9. You may not click the "Finish class" button to trigger the payment process unless either a) the lesson has taken place, or b) you were present and waiting for the student for at least 15 minutes from the lesson start time, and the student did not appear. 
    10. You may extract funds from your e-wallet to your own bank account once every 7 days. Depending on your location, preferred currency and the amount you wish to withdraw, there may be a transaction fee applicable when transferring funds from your e-wallet to your bank. 
    11. All payments and e-wallets are handled by Stripe, Revolut, and Wise.
    12. If a student requires a refund for purchased lessons due to the non-availability of a teacher, and reasonable efforts have been made by Langu and/or the student to contact the teacher to ask them to contact the student and add available teaching times to their profile, we reserve the right to charge the teacher a fee of up to 15% of the refund value, to be debited from the teacher's earnings. 
    13. Lessons purchased more than 12 months ago are subject to expiration. When lesson credits for purchased & unused lessons expire, 20% of the value of the unused lessons shall be transferred to the teacher, with the remaining 80% kept by Langu. 
  8. VAT on our fee

    1. We may charge VAT as part of our fee. During the registration process you will be asked to specify whether or not you are in business (i.e. you are a professional language teacher). Different rules may apply depending on your location and whether or not you are in business:

      1. VAT is included in our fee for teachers based in the UK, whether or not you are in business.
      2. VAT is not included in our fee for teachers based outside of the EU, whether or not you are in business.
      3. If you are based in the EU and are not in business, VAT will be charged at the local rate in your country.
      4. If you are based in the EU and are in business, VAT will be zero-rated.
    2. Where VAT is chargeable, it is incorporated into our fee. The location of your Langu student is irrelevant when calculating whether any VAT is due as part of our fee.
    3. We may use your IP address, billing address or the bank details you provide to us to verify and confirm your location. We may also request further specific information from you to confirm your location, which you agree to provide to us without delay.
  9. Student protection

    1. If a complaint or dispute arises between you and your Langu student before the lesson has been completed, you agree to use reasonable endeavours to resolve the problem directly with your Langu student in the first instance.
    2. If you are unable to resolve the problem directly with your Langu student, or if the lesson has been completed and your Langu student has ranked your services 2 or lower, you acknowledge and agree that we shall be entitled to make a final decision, in our sole discretion, about the complaint or dispute and that our final decision may result in us reimbursing your Langu student all or part of the lesson fee which is held in the lesson escrow e-wallet.
    3. If, after investigating the complaint or dispute, we determine that full or partial payment of the lesson fee is due to you, payment of the full or partial lesson fee will be made in accordance with paragraph 7g, above.
  10. Suspension and termination

    1. We may suspend or terminate your profile immediately without notice and without any further liability to you if you are at any time in breach of our teacher terms or if your presence on the site is deemed contrary to Langu's business interests. 
    2. You acknowledge that we are under no obligation to provide access to the site and we may withdraw access to the site at any time without any further liability to you.
    3. You may terminate your profile at any time by emailing support@heylangu.com and requesting account deletion. 
  11. General

    1. Indemnity. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims, actions, proceedings, losses, damages, expenses and costs (including without limitation court costs and legal fees) arising out of or in connection with your use of the site, provided that we notify you promptly of any such claim, that we reasonably co-operate with you in the defence and settlement of such claim (at your expense), and that you are given sole authority to defend or settle such claim.
    2. Limits of liability. You use the site entirely at your own risk and we exclude all other liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage (including damage to your reputation as a result of any reviews left about your services by your Langu students) arising in connection with your use of the site. Where we are not legally permitted to exclude our liability (for example, death or personal injury caused by our negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us) our total liability for any loss or damage you may suffer by using the site shall not exceed an amount equal to the most recent fee that you have paid to us following completion of a lesson (if any).
    3. Reviews of your services. If you delete your account, all reviews of your services will be hidden on the site, but you acknowledge that shared or cached copies of reviews of your services may remain visible across the web and we have no control over these.
    4. Changes to our teacher terms. We may from time to time change our teacher terms. If the changes are (in our sole discretion) significant, we shall notify you at least 30 days before any new teacher terms apply to you.
    5. Waiver and severability. If we ignore or fail to enforce any breach of our teacher terms, this does not mean we cannot enforce our rights in the future. If any part of our teacher terms is found to be invalid by a court, it shall be replaced with a similar provision which achieves the same purpose as the original, so far as is possible, with the remainder of our Terms remaining unaffected.
    6. Governing law. Our teacher terms are governed by and are to be interpreted in accordance with English law. If any dispute arises between us in relation to the site, such dispute may only be heard in the English courts.