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Maude Carado

Mainly conversation classes based on materials (videos, texts, images, audio). Not suitable for A1. Adults only.
(38 reseñas)
Estudiantes dicen:
Gran conversación (24)
Enérgico y entusiasta (22)
Puntual y confiable (13)
Da una gran retroalimentación (10)
Comparte excelentes materiales (10)
Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
Mainly conversation classes based on materials (videos, texts, images, audio). Not suitable for A1. Adults only.
Estudiantes dicen:
Gran conversación (24)
Enérgico y entusiasta (22)
Puntual y confiable (13)
Da una gran retroalimentación (10)
Comparte excelentes materiales (10)
Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
Medios de comunicación
Habilidades de presentación
Preparación a la entrevista

As a teacher (and person), I am very patient, attentive and eager to talk about everything. I always adapt myself to the student and try to install a playful and interactive pedagogy so that the person feels at ease. Travelling for several years, I know well the difficulties of learning a new language and I know how intimidating it could be. Do not hesitate to make mistakes: the goal for me is to correct them, do not forget that trying is how we learn ! Looking forward to meet you already !

Mi metodología de enseñanza:
With my classes my aim is for you to learn French in an interesting and spontaneous way. Picture yourself having a coffee with a friend and leaving with more understanding of new vocabulary. I present two options: 1/ According to your level, interests and needs, we choose a topic for each class based on a selection of media. This could be anything from a text, video, song, audio podcast or an image etc. The topics can be very diverse: jumping into "today's news”, talking about food, travel, ecology or movies etc. Besides the comprehension exercise (listening and/or reading), the media acts as a point of departure and inspiration for further dialogue on wide-ranging topics, developing your conversational skills and increasing your confidence in the process. 2/ If you would prefer an even more spontaneous class structure we can do free conversation!
Mi experiencia docente:

Since 2013, I travelled, lived and worked in different countries: Australia, Czech Republic, Italy, Thailand etc. In those different adventures, I started giving some private French lessons and really liked it. In 2017, I worked for a bit in an Alliance française in Brno (Czech Republic) which gave me a lot of insights about teaching practices. I teach online since 2020 and passed my DAEFLE degree in 2021 in order to be as good as possible as a teacher. I always preferred to give private classes because I like to personalize my classes according to the goals and the profile of the student. I teach only to adults. The profiles of my students can be really diverse : university students, young or old workers, expats, retired people etc. As long as you are motivated, no matter what your background is it would be a pleasure for me to teach you !

Mi experiencia fuera de la enseñanza:

I studied communication, culture and international relations. I mostly worked in cultural associations but I also worked in the hospitality industry (hotel, bar, restaurant). I always enjoyed discovering other cultures, countries and people. I am also always eager to learn and I currently work as a content analyst.

Precio por lección
Prueba de 30 minutos: GRATIS
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Vista previa del calendario
21 Oct - 27 Oct
06:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 00:00
00:00 - 06:00
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(38 calificaciones, 3 reseñas escritas)