Stephanie Rieux

Are you wanting to learn two things at once? A guaranteed life changing skill to learn english through life coaching!
(219 reseñas)
Estudiantes dicen:
Enérgico y entusiasta (68)
Inspirador y motivador (55)
Puntual y confiable (50)
Gran conversación (41)
Explica bien conceptos difíciles (36)
Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
francés, español
Are you wanting to learn two things at once? A guaranteed life changing skill to learn english through life coaching!
Estudiantes dicen:
Enérgico y entusiasta (68)
Inspirador y motivador (55)
Puntual y confiable (50)
Gran conversación (41)
Explica bien conceptos difíciles (36)
Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
francés, español
Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certification

I am both a language teaching and life coach. I love teaching both new languages while also guaranteeing big results through Energy Leadership and a deep desire to learn english. If you're looking to learn english but have always struggled, but know this is your next step to increased success. I am here to tell you that, I am that next step into success. Let's grow your awareness so you can expand and become confident in english!

Mi metodología de enseñanza:
Students should expect to be successful in learning english with me, in a fun/different way. We work on developing your awareness to create space to remember that you can confidently learn english. None of that boring grammar stuff (well maybe a little review), but mostly learning my actions/influence and expansion of your memory!
Mi experiencia docente:

I have been teaching online for over 3 years now, and a life coach for 7 years. I believe that incorporating my life coaching to learning english is a totally new approach, but also a guaranteed success!

Mi experiencia fuera de la enseñanza:

I have studied international business and tourism, I have been in the marketing and social media industry and along with extensive coaching background. I am always excited to teach and coach people in the business world. Whether they have started a business and need direction on their business or just improving their inner self so their outside world is reflective of their inner world. Working with anyone to share the knowledge I have gathered over the years is a passion of mine. I love that I can be doing this while also teaching a new language - many bonuses in one!

Precio por lección
Prueba de 30 minutos: €25.00
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13 Jan - 19 Jan
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Reseñas de Stephanie de otros estudiantes  
(219 calificaciones, 13 reseñas escritas)