Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
inglés, italiano
Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
inglés, italiano
Principiante absoluto
Reducción de acento
DELE A1-B1 Spanish tutor Certificate
I have lived in Italy since 1990, but now I am living in the UK. I consider myself a language learner before being a language tutor. I have taught in schools and online for more than 5 years. My students are from Italy and from other countries. I love to meet with people from all over the world.
Mi metodología de enseñanza:
Audios, videos, interactive activities, worksheets, readings and conversation.
Mi experiencia docente:
More than 5 years experience teaching to Italian students in Italy. Online experience teaching English/German/Dutch mother-tongue students. Spanish Tutor for American students in a Mexican language School.
Mi experiencia fuera de la enseñanza:
I am an interpreter/translator. I have worked as interpreter for 10+ years in the International fairs in Verona, Italy
Precio por lección
Prueba de 30 minutos:
Vista previa del calendario
24 Feb -
2 Mar
06:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 00:00
00:00 - 06:00
Cursos de Gema
Gema ofrece estos cursos diseñados a medida. Si no necesitas un curso específico, haz clic aquí para reservar lecciones regulares
Qué me cuentas de nuevo
5 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
Beginners level A1
Learn to greet and say goodbye, to introduce yourself and other people.
Talk about personal information.
Vocabulary about professions, countries and nationalities.
Information strategies.
5 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
La casa
5 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
Beginners level A1.
Vocabulary: La casa/ The house
We are learning and practicing description of the house, parts of the house, the object in the house.
5 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
En el pasado
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
A2 Beginner / Intermediate level.
Talk about past events.
Talk about the recent past.
Temporary markers.
Description of past events.
Description of actions in the past.
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
Ver todos los cursos
Reseñas de Gema de otros estudiantes
(1299 calificaciones,
36 reseñas escritas)