alemán, griego
Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
inglés, español
alemán, griego
Idiomas nativos:
Otros idiomas hablados:
inglés, español
Aprendizaje en general
Bachelor's Degree German Literature and Language
TKT - Cambridge ESOL
I have graduated my university in 1994, specialised in Teaching German as a Foreign language. I have also got a certification in Teaching English from Cambridge ESOL. I am also a native Greek speaker, teaching languages in private language schools in my country, tutoring both children and adults. I have also been active with material creation and have worked for EFL and German publishers.
Mi metodología de enseñanza:
I have a plethora of materials in grammar and vocabulary (online and in word/pdf), but I also focus on speaking and listening / video exercises, I encourage my students to do presentations and try to communicate in their target language.
Mi experiencia docente:
I have been teaching since 1995 in schools and online. I have experience with children , as well as adults. I teach exams and business.
Mi experiencia fuera de la enseñanza:
I am an avid language learner myself, and I can understand the learners' needs.
Precio por lección
Prueba de 30 minutos:
Vista previa del calendario
17 Feb -
23 Feb
06:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 00:00
00:00 - 06:00
Cursos de Theodora
Theodora ofrece estos cursos diseñados a medida. Si no necesitas un curso específico, haz clic aquí para reservar lecciones regulares
Greek for tourists
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
Want to come to Greece for a holiday and just want some language to get by? This is the course for you!
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
German for tourists
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
Visiting Germany and you want to be able to get by? This is the course for you!
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
German for Doctors and medical staff
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
If you want to study or work in Germany in the medical field and you can already know the basics, this is the course for you
10 lecciones
60 minutos
Precio total:
Ver todos los cursos
Reseñas de Theodora de otros estudiantes
(65 calificaciones,
2 reseñas escritas)